Crop Image

This is a screen analysis tool that the author uses to specify the screen element himself if the part that is not recognized as an OD or OCR tool needs to be used as a screen element.

The author directly selects the screen element by dragging and dropping directly from the device screen, and the selected screen element analyzes and compares the image of the area using Feature Matching technique.

There are several precautions when creating screen elements with Crop Image.

  1. Complex images have a higher recognition rate than simple images. Because the feature points of an image are extracted and used as a comparison object, the more complex images are, the higher the recognition rate is because the more feature points are extracted than simple images.

Crop Image Screen Element Attribute

You can set various properties by clicking on the screen element in a step using Crop Image.

See the link below for instructions on how to access the screen element attributes.

Set Step Properties

  1. Left: Top left X coordinates of the screen element

  2. Top: Top left Y coordinates of the screen element

  3. Right: Bottom right X coordinates of the screen element

  4. Bottom: Bottom right Y coordinates of the screen element

  5. Threshold: Feature Matching Similarity. The higher the number, the more similarities must pass. - Default: 0.7 - minimum: 0 - maximum: 1

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