Basic screen configuration

When Stego is launched, a screen consisting of 6 elements appears as shown below.

(1) Menu bar

Most of the features provided by Stego are categorized in the menu bar.

(2) Workspace

The names of new or loaded workspaces are displayed.

(3) Scenario management

This is where you can manage the scenarios contained in the workspace. You can create, edit or delete new scenarios.

In addition, you can manage shared scenarios that can include scenarios you have already written in other scenarios, and you can import exported scenarios.

(4) Scenario creation panel

You can create, modify, and run scenarios.

(5) Device

In the device panel, you can connect and disconnect devices, and the name of the connected device is displayed. In addition, you can manipulate the mirrored screen of the connected device or check the screen analysis result received from the AI ​​Vision engine.

(6) Screen analysis tool (UIObject Selector)

The screen analysis tool analyzes the screen using various AI Vision technologies and provides the user with various elements (icons, text, selection window, etc.) composing the screen. The user selects an element to perform an action among elements composing the screen.

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