
Features that you use to check for elements or strings in a specific location on the screen. If the step action used for the actual test fails to pass the action here, the scenario stops with an error message in red.

It is mainly used after a particular step is performed to verify that the step has progressed well (for example, to verify that a welcome message is output after logging in).

Assert UIObject

Action to check that the specified screen element exists on the screen.

You can use it when you want to determine if the current screen has been properly printed since the previous step was executed.

Please refer to the example below for instructions on how to use it.

Assert UIObject Attributes

  1. UIObject: The screen element to be inspected is output.

  2. comparator: You can select the condition compared. Caution) The conditions set by the comparator must be true before the examination passes and moves on to the next step. If the comparator condition is false, a custom message is output, and if the type is Error, the scenario stops here. - EXISTS: If a screen element exists on the screen, the scan is successful. - NOT EXISTS: If no screen element exists on the screen, the scan is successful.

  3. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  4. type:

    If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

Assert Content

A test action that compares the string content of a specified screen element with the value entered by the author.

Unlike the Assistant UIObject, where the presence of the screen element itself is compared, the character information within the screen element is compared.

Assert Content Attributes

  1. UIObject: The screen element to be inspected is output.

  2. comparator: Lets you select the comparison criteria.

    • = : If the text and value of the screen element are the same, run the child step.

    • != : If the text and value of the screen element are different, run the child step.

    • > : If the text of the screen element is numeric and greater than value, run the child step.

    • >= : If the text of the screen element is numeric and is greater than or equal to value, run the child step.

    • <: If the text of the screen element is numeric and less than value, run the child step.

    • <= : If the text of the screen element is numeric and less than or equal to value, run the child step.

    • match: Use regular expressions. If the text of the screen element matches the regular expression, run the child step.


    • search: Use regular expressions. If the text of the screen element contains a regular expression, run the child step.


  3. value: Enter a value to compare with the statement on the screen element. Enter ${key} if you want to use a previously set value.

  4. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  5. type: If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

Assert Value

Action to compare and examine the value you specified with the value set in the previous step, such as Store Value/Content or Random Number/Text.

This action does not require a separate UIObject, unlike Assistant Content, because it is an action that checks the value you have set in advance.

Assert Value Attributes

  1. key: Enter the key of the previously set value. Caution) When entering a key in the value of attributes, you must enter only the key value, unlike entering it in the same form as ${key}.

  2. comparator: Lets you select the comparison criteria.

    • = : If the text and value of the screen element are the same, run the child step.

    • != : If the text and value of the screen element are different, run the child step.

    • > : If the text of the screen element is numeric and greater than value, run the child step.

    • >= : If the text of the screen element is numeric and is greater than or equal to value, run the child step.

    • <: If the text of the screen element is numeric and less than value, run the child step.

    • <= : If the text of the screen element is numeric and less than or equal to value, run the child step.

    • match: Use regular expressions. If the text of the screen element matches the regular expression, run the child step.


    • search: Use regular expressions. If the text of the screen element contains a regular expression, run the child step.


  3. value: Enter a value to compare with the statement on the screen element. Enter ${key} if you want to use a previously set value.

  4. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  5. type: If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

Assert Changed

Assert Changed is an action that examines the screen just before the action in the previous step is performed and whether the screen on the current device has changed.

This can be used to check whether the content of a particular screen element or location changes after performing an action.

Used primarily to create UI or toggle button change detection scenarios that automatically appear or disappear.

Assert Changed Attributes

  1. UIObject: A space element is output to detect changes in the screen.

  2. threshold: You can specify a number to determine how significantly the screen element has changed. The smaller the number, the more likely it is to change the screen element. - Default value: 10 - Minimum value: 1 - Maximum value: 100 - Unit: %

  3. limit: You can set a limit on how long you want to detect changes in the screen. If there is no change in the screen during the set time, the scan is considered to have failed. - Default value: 5000 - Minimum value: 3000 - Maximum value: 10000 - Unit: ms

  4. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  5. type: If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

Assert Wait For

Checks whether the specified screen element exists on the screen, similar to the Assistant UIObject. However, the difference is that the operator has the option to choose how long to wait for the screen element to appear.

This can be useful mainly for irregular screen loading times.

Assert Wait For Attributes

  1. UIObject: The screen element to be inspected is output.

  2. limit: You can set how long you want to wait for the screen element to appear. - Default value: 5000 - Minimum value: 3000 - Maximum value: 10000 - Unit: ms

  3. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  4. type: If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

Assert Message

Action to check if toast pop-ups appear well after a particular action.

If an Assert Message detects a change in the screen for a time period set by limit, it reads the characters in the changed part and compares them with the value value entered by the author.

Assert Message Attributes

  1. comparator: Lets you select the comparison criteria.

    • = : Check that the text and value of the screen element are the same.

    • *= : Checks whether the value set to value is included in the text of the screen element.

    • ^= : Check that the value set to value matches the beginning of the text on the screen element.

    • $= : Check that the value set to value matches the end of the text on the screen element.

    • match: Use regular expressions. Check that the text of the screen element matches the regular expression.


    • search: Use regular expressions. Check that the text of the screen element contains a regular expression.


  2. value: Type a message for the toast pop-up. You can enter all message content, or you can enter only some values. Enter ${key} if you want to use the previously set value.

  3. limit: You can set how long you want to wait for the screen element to appear. - Default value: 5000 - Minimum value: 3000 - Maximum value: 10000 - Unit: ms

  4. use previous screen: You can choose whether to detect screen changes from the screen information before the action in the previous step is performed or the screen after the action. If set to true, screen detection starts from the screen before the action in the previous step.

  5. custom message: If the comparator condition is false, you can enter a message to output. If not entered, the reason is false.

  6. type: If the comparator is false, you can choose whether to output the test results as Error or Warning.

    • ERROR: If the condition is false, the result is printed in red and the scenario is aborted.

    • WARNING: If the condition is false, the result is printed in yellow and the next step continues.

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