Setting Scenario Properties

User Variable : User Settings Variables

The User Setup Variables feature is a value for pre-storing and using values that are expected to be frequently used in scenarios.

Create a user setting variable

To modify/delete user settings variables

Using User Settings Variables

You can use it by entering the key value of the variable where you need to use the variable you created.

Note that when entering the key value, ${key value}You have to enter it in the form. This is a rule to distinguish between plain characters and variables that the author wants to enter.

For example, to use the variable age created above, enter ${age} (value is 34 saved as value when setting the age variable.)

Caution) If you use a variable, make sure that the key value of the variable is ${key value} Please enter the form.

User Settings Variables for Shared Scenarios

The scenario that you are using by recalling a shared scenario is also displayed in the list of user settings variables set in the shared scenario.

However, just because it appears in the list does not mean that all of the variables in the output are available.

In fact, to use user-set variables in a shared scenario, you must set the user-set variables to use as the "Export Variable" action in the shared scenario before you can use the variables in the parent scenario that led to this shared scenario.

For a detailed description of "Export Variable", please refer to the "Variables" page below under "Action List".

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